A New twist to Sravani Kondapalli suicide case

Telugu TV actress Sravani Kondapalli died on September 8th by suicide. The latest reports are coming in as the Police started the investigation. The man accused by the actress family, Devraj Reddy released the audio clips of him and Sravani, to a TV Channel. It mentions two names Sai Reddy and ‘RX 100’ producer Ashok Reddy.
According to the latest reports, It was brought out that Sravani had befriended Sai Reddy and Ashok Reddy. DevRaj alleged that Sravani was using Ashok Reddy’s card for her expenses, but she hid this from Devraj. Devraj also alleged that Sai had threatened Sravani for being close to him. A few hours before Sravani’s suicide, Devraj recorded some call conversations and released to the media.
Call recording between DevRaj and Sai; source: NTV Telugu
According to the Deccan Chronicle reports, DevRaj was taken into custody. Sai Krishna will be called for an enquiry. And also Police to interrogate Producer Ashok Reddy today.